Statistic Distribution

Year 2024

Month Domestic Export
JAN 592.658 34.991
FEB 558.685 38.375
MAR 583.747 43.839
APR 419.136 32.725
MAY 505.670 47.449
JUN 511.098 42.939
JUL 598.901 51.012
AUG 573.886 56.715
SEP 528.715 51.944
OKT 544.392 58.112
NOV 512.942 58.868
DEC 403.480 55.537
TOTAL 6.333.310 572.506
Category Unit %
Underbone 5,40%
Scooter 90,39%
Sport 4,21%
Category Unit %
Underbone 25,48%
Scooter 50,06%
Sport 24,45%

Year 2023

Month Domestic Export
JAN 615,416 39,269
FEB 575,502 45,627
MAR 633,155 36,962
APR 354,323 41,201
MAY 529,771 55,743
JUN 493,763 49,920
JUL 475,428 53,443
AUG 534,379 55,247
SEP 509,946 51,318
OKT 516,293 52.517
NOV 571,983 46,020
DEC 427,033 42,737
TOTAL 6,236,992 570,004


There is a revision of data from Members for Domestic Sales Distribution data, an increase of 7,172 units from 608,244 units to 615,416 units for data in January 2023.

Category Unit %
Underbone 5,08%
Scooter 89,73%
Sport 5,19%
Category Unit %
Underbone 23,32%
Scooter 52,53%
Sport 24,15%

Year 2022

Month Domestic Export
JAN 443,890 51,036
FEB 368,131 59,542
MAR 450,565 54,865
APR 439,472 58,793
MAY 248,235 50,693
JUN 296,334 71,618
JUL 326,452 71,420
AUG 524,821 75,481
SEP 514,460 75,012
OKT 537,587 75,368
NOV 588,269 52,361
DEC 483,254 47,362
TOTAL 5,221,470 743,551
Category Unit %
Underbone 6.21%
Scooter 87.94%
Sport 5.85%
Category Unit %
Underbone 11.37%
Scooter 67.12%
Sport 21.51%

Year 2021

Month Domestic Export
JAN 394,733 81,929
FEB 377,776 79,557
MAR 521,424 69,243
APR 472,889 57,306
MAY 254,710 42,647
JUN 428,556 71,441
JUL 376,640 66,105
AUG 470,065 73,521
SEP 464,614 67,324
OKT 444,726 80,327
NOV 463,586 55,956
DEC 387,797 58,575
TOTAL 5,057,516 803,931
Category Unit %
Underbone 6.30%
Scooter 87.58%
Sport 6.12%
Category Unit %
Underbone 11.82%
Scooter 70.29%
Sport 17.89%

Years (2011~2020)

Year Domestic Export
2011 8,012,540 30,995
2012 7,064,457 77,129
2013 7,743,879 27,135
2014 7,867,195 41,746
2015 6,480,155 228,229
2016 5,931,285 284,065
2017 5,886,103 434,691
2018 6,383,108 627,421
2019 6,487,460 810,433
2020 3,660,616 700,392

Years (2001~2010)

Year Domestic Export
2001 1,575,822 74,948
2002 2,287,706 30,285
2003 2,809,896 13,806
2004 3,887,678 12,840
2005 5,074,186 15,239
2006 4,428,274 42,448
2007 4,688,263 25,632
2008 6,215,830 64,971
2009 5,851,962 29,815
2010 7,369,249 29,395

Years (1996~2000)

Year Domestic Export
1996 1,376,647 50,255
1997 1,801,090 51,816
1998 433,549 84,363
1999 487,751 99,651
2000 864,144 115,278

source: data from kemenperin, be treated by AISI.